Yes we took shots to Hurricane Earl for not ruining our weekend. So the weekend consisted of a Steak off. We had 4 different steak entries and all were very good. Next was the mix drink competition. We had a buttered nipple, a skinny drink, a jolly rancher and last but not least Hurricane Earl. I brought the bitch wine and skinny girl Margarita. I also would like to add that I won the hors d'oeuvres (appetizers) and the Pasta salad category I did not even know I was entering the competition. Next we sat and played games and laughed with each other while voting on whose dishes were the best (all done by anonymous ballet), Prizes were given to the winners. This was a great rain free weekend with friend’s drinks and GREAT food. (that’s it) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3 Izzy
The Steak |
Pasta Salads |
My Appetizers with the Steak Shish Kabob (these were Amazing) |
Jolly Rancher (Tastes just like a Jolly Rancher) |
PS: I Love cookouts that don't just have the traditional Hot dogs and Hamburgers I may be small but give me My Meat (that's what she said). That was one of the good things about this cookout. my Only regret was that I thought about bringing my Spicy chicken to throw on the grill but opted out and just brought my Appetizers and pasta Salad. well there is always next time, everyone thought this was an awesome idea and a great day. plans were made to do this again next year.