Friday, April 1, 2011


"Sometimes dating is like the NBA draft pick and seeing who will come out on top and looking for that MVP. Do you have your MVP? ♥" This was my FB/Twitter status after seeing my friends YOUTUBE video.

Dating can be a headache but we are into getting that one franchise player baby! My friend told me that she is getting better at spotting the benchers I mean seriously there are some real rookies out there. and some people who go all out to get noticed or get some playing time (so to speak) and then start slacking once they made the team and then you don't see any work after that. these players need to get cut.

 I mean for people who are single dating can really be a headache and even for those of us who are confused and not sure of where or who we want to be with. but after sorting through the bullshit its really about what makes you happy and who is a team player and suits your needs. I mean we all want that happily ever after like the fairtails.  
My  boys video he based his roster on football but I thought this is so true!

PS: Don't over look the one you love or take them for granted (I am definately not) <3 xoxoxoxo Izzy